[Tips] How to Prevent Acne and Pimples!?

How to Prevent Acne and Pimples!?

[Tips] How to Prevent Acne and Pimples?

You're certainly looking for Ways to Prevent Acne and Pimples. But, did you know that you already knew about these tips? Well, you actually knew, but you didn't care about it much earlier. Now, when you're facing this kind of Acne and Pimples issues, now you know that how important those things were when our parents were telling us not to touch our skin! Well, don't worry. We're going to share some of the tips you'll be able to implement on without any extra work.

If you're reading this for the first time, I mean if you didn't get on this page by any referral link, please visit and check out this post first then. Because you first have to understand that why we shouldn't touch our skin? And the answer of this question is also the reason why acne and pimples happen to us! So, that's highly recommended for you to check out the previous post first. Thanks! :)

How to Prevent Acne and Pimples?

Now, there are plenty of tips on this topic. We're going to share some of our Tried and TESTED methods and also some of the most popular methods on the internet easily available. So, let's get into it. Shall we?

Tested Methods to Prevent Acne and Pimples:

These are the tested methods by us and by our doctors and parents. They used to guide us about these methods and we didn't really care then! Lemme write those down for ya!

  1. Keep a Piece of Tissue Paper
  2. Wash Your Face (At Least) 3 Times a Day
  3. Avoid Rubbing with Hands
  4. Eat Salad with Meal
  5. Avoid Eating Fried Things
Now, I'm going to explain each of these in a bit detail...

  • Keep a Piece of Tissue Paper

Always keep a tissue paper with you. No matter you're at home or outside of it, always keep a tissue paper with you. That's because when you'll try to rub your face with hands, God knows for what reason, you'll use that piece of tissue instead.

  • Wash Face At Least 3 Times a Day

Washing your face will help you removing dead body tissues from your face that keep growing on there. Again, if you haven't watched the video we shared previously, you won't understand this part. So please go and watch that first and come back again to read this post. So, washing your face will remove those dead tissues and will prevent blockage of that surface on your skin / face.

  • Avoid Rubbing with Hands

Again, avoid rubbing your skin / face with hands. It'll block the surface that the video shows is the reason behind this acne and pimples. Keep a piece of tissue paper in hand instead or a piece of clothing or something relevant.

  • Eat Salad with Meal

Eating salad will help a lot. That's why we are recommending this to our readers as well. There's not a risk or anything in testing. So if you find it is not working for you, don't do that next time. :) But, we're 100% sure that you'll see results following these tips for sure!

  • Avoid Eating Fried Things

Well, that's the biggest reason behind this as well. If you eat a lot of fried chips / chicken or things like that, believe me that you're inviting acne and pimples like skin infections! So, we highly recommend you to leave these things and eat the salad instead. xD Yeah, whatever the kind of salad is, eat the salad but not fried chicken! :P 

Well, these were some of the tips we have tested ourselves. Now, it's time for the ones we've collected from the internet.

Tips to Prevent Acne and Pimples!?

PS: Now that you know ways and effective tips on how to prevent acne and pimples, wouldn't you love to share this with you family members who're also suffering from acne OR pimples? So, share it with them as well. Thanks!

PPS: And if you are interested in more information about this topic, please visit our INDEX page and you'll find endless articles about skin care and face problems.